Remaining Humble

This week for our Pathway class we’ve been studying from Helaman 10-16 in the Book of Mormon.  I have really enjoyed reading from these chapters.

In our gathering this past Thursday, we talked specifically about Helaman Chapter 12.  In this chapter, Mormon teaches us about how we should be in our lives.  He teaches about how man is less than the dust of the earth.

We discussed what it is that Mormon means by saying this.  In our discussion we talked about how we know that, by ourselves, we are nothing.  We discussed how we need to have our Father in Heaven in our lives in order to truly become the person we should be.  Without Him in our lives, we truly are less than the dust of the earth.

In Helaman 12, Mormon talks about how we should trust in the Lord in all things.  He also taught that we should beware of pride and that we should stay humble at all times.

If we are able to do these things, we know that we are doing as the Lord would have us do and that he will help us to prosper.

One of the videos we watched for our class this week is titled “The Lord will Prosper the Righteous” and is given by Elder Dean L. Larsen.  This video tells about different instances in the Book of Mormon where people prosper by being righteous.  He also talks about how people often will become prideful at this point and turn away from God.  Doing so ultimately leads to their downfall.

I really have enjoyed learning these things during this week as it gives us hope as we move forward.  We learn that we are truly nothing without our Father in Heaven and our Savior in our lives.  But we also learn that if we are humble, trusting, loyal and give all thanks to Him that we can be prosperous in this life.

We need to remember moving forward that, as we become better at trusting in the Lord and as we prosper in our lives, that it is conditional upon living our lives in accordance with the gospel.  I hope that we can all remember these teachings so that we may remain humble and live in such a way that would please our Father in Heaven.

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